Life has been absolutely nuts recently. Between Devin heading back to school, Riley now going to tumbling, me training for this half...we went on a weeks vacation in W Palm Beach FL and I just got back from a weekend in SF. Now that it is Monday and I am trying to settle again I have a few pics to share.
West Palm (Singer Island to be exact) was fantastic. We stayed at Marriott's Ocean Pointe which is beach front and the kids LOVED LOVED LOVED playing at the beach and in the pools daily. The weather was perfect 85-90 daily and 70s at night. The ocean was 84* and only twice were we not able to play in it because of jellyfish infestation. Now the jellies down there are not like the little discs in NJ. They are bigger than Frisbees and all sting. Those days we hung out by the pool and avoided the ocean. Dana flew up for a few days from STJ and Cookie came down as well to play with the kids. I am, and will always be a beach girl. Ocean girl. Boat girl. Pretty much anything that has to do with the sand, water and sun. I could take every single vacation to a beach type place and never bat an eye with boredom.
We got back Friday night and that Sunday I picked up my best friend Maria from a weekend bachelorette party she came in for with friends from OH. She stayed with us for two days and it was so great to have her here. I miss her so much and thankfully since she is not (yet) married and has no kids, she is able to visit us either in NJ or here once a year. Love her.
Riley talks up a storm now and I would say is a complete and uninterrupted talker now. It is funny how it all happens all the sudden. She was just saving up all her words for a bomb of 2 year old conversation. She is pretty clear now and gets super excited now that she can converse with Dev. Her 2 year old molars are finally breaking through! Hooray for that. She will be going to her first dentist appointment next week and I think she will be just fine. She watched last week while Dev and I got our teeth cleaned and was very interested and intrigued by what was going on. As many times as I have seen it before, it is SO cool to see a dental xray of a child's mouth with all their baby teeth in and the second set waiting patiently below. This new dentist has a cool x-ray machine that takes a pic of the entire mouth by rotating around the head in a circular motion. Love technology.
Riley loves her tumbling class just as I thought she would. It is at our local community center and she actually did it last fall for a month. I did not like the instructor last fall so we never signed back up. One of Las Vegas' gymnastic centers sponsors the classes and sends an instructor and provides all the equipment. Riley loved learning to walk backwards on the beam and doing tricks with the bar. She tries her hardest to do a backward roll, but cannot seem to figure it out quite yet. She will get there. I am glad she has something to do with kids her age and release some of her crazy energy.
Devin and Riley have been able to play outside now after dark. It is still hot as ever during the day (average 97* for the next 10 days) but at night once the sun goes down it seems to be pleasant enough for them. Kids typically don't care about the heat like adults do. As I sit and type, they are playing nicely out back and have only had one issue in the last 30 minutes which is not bad at all. I am glad they are so close in age and can finally play together.