waiting for bus |
I had not realized it has been so long since my last post. I sit here in the family room in the dark, miserable, sick and listening to my two kids fighting and crying at one another. Now they are here next to me telling on one another. Come on antibiotics-work. I thought I was having a really bad case of fall allergies...nope. Full blown sinus infection with the added bonus a side of double ear infections and of course a third course of strep throat. I am not feeling on top of my game and really do not want to play referee right now.
ready for lunch at the club |
Done complaining.
Dev loves kindergarten. Loves, loves loves it. He does come home tired and crabby, but he is always excited to go back the next morning. He is gone from 8:15-3:25ish and that is a long day for a just turned 5 year old. I was worried at first, but he digs it and I dig the quiet time with Riley. Dev got his time before she was born and now it's her turn. He has learned so much Spanish and art terms but they are still going over basics in the classroom. He's ahead on the stuff he is doing now so he did comment that he is bored when they do math and writing.
Riley loves her school too. She would like to go more often than she does. She has two very nice teachers and they seem to really like what they do. It is not as formal as Devin's old school was, but it still is regimented which is good. She is learning the days of the week right now and its funny to hear the songs they teach them to remember things. Some things you never forget...like ROYGBIV, or Oscar Had A Heap Of Apples (or Olive had a hit of acid) for sine, cosine and tangent. And of course no one can ever forget that 6.02*10^23 is a mole(in my sing songy voice.) Funny thing is I never could remember the song for remembering the classification of biology terms from freshman year b.c I HATED my teacher. I know its kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species but cannot recall the acronym. Riley is in the midst of doing this for days of the week, months and seasons. Its adorable....and the cycle begins with learning through creativity.
I think tomorrow we are going to go and see Nemo in 3d since Dev's school will be observing Yom Kippur and we were not able to go to Baltimore like I had planned since I am sick and still contagious until tonight/tomorrow am. I am assuming the theater will be busy but not crazy since two rooms will be showing the movie. I know the kids have been amped up to see this since the previews started coming around we just have not had a chance to go plus it is forecasted to rain.
my all time FAV bridge |
Activities wise-Devin plays soccer on Saturday ams. Its 30 min of clinic then 30 min of scrimmaging. Good for the lil guys since it is a cluster f on the field. It is painful to watch when you have an idea of what it should/could look like. He loves it and that is all that matters. Plus weather is amazing so any way we can get outside to play-I am game for.
Riley will be starting gymnastics in Oct. I was going to sign her up for ballet, but she told me she would rather do tumbling. She cannot do both so gymnastics it is! I am glad she will have an activity just for her. She had to watch Devin play tball and now soccer while she sat on the sidelines....now she will have her own. I have to grab her a leotard next time I head out. :)
Other than that, gymbucks redemption and Janie and Jack's friends and family is this weekend. Baby Gap is having their big sale and I will be listing my eBay sales soon. Thank god b.c the kids need fall/winter stuff. This came around a lot sooner than I am used to since I am used to the desert weather. We have not had our heat/AC on for two weeks and it was 63 in the house this am. BUUURRRRR! I have been in pants and hoodies. Doesn't help that I am under the weather.
I did get to drive up to Long Island this past Saturday for the bridal shower of one of my very best girlfriends from college. She is marrying a man she met during her residency. He is from Flushing so there was a bridal shower in NY as well as Cleveland where she is from. It was so great to be able to see her and meet some of her inlaws to be. They are VERY Italian. Meaning most of the 50+ did not speak English. They thought I was Italian b.c of my dark hair, dark eyes and olive skin. I only wish. :( I am very happy that I am back by NYC. Love the city. Love all cities....but mainly two...NYC and SF. Sigh. Cannot wait until Frankie and I can go up sans kids for some adult fun. I will say I made it up to the city in no time...but took For-ev-er to get through Staten Island and midway through Long Island. Boo to NY traffic!