Devin woke up two nights ago at 3 am to throw up. He was up all night after that and slept all day yesterday but maybe 3 hrs. He spiked again at 2 am last night at 102.4* for the second day in a row we are home. He seems fine otherwise and wants to eat. Yesterday he tried to eat crackers but they didn't stay down.
Riley is fine. And I hope it stays that way. I have to go out of town to NYC this coming weekend and I don't need them or I to be sick. They are both playing on their leap pad 2s and until I get some more caffeine in me that's fine by me.
Riley is doing very well with her writing and drawing skills. She enjoys doing her "homework" daily to practice a handful of words. She's getting much better with drawing things on colorectal proportion and continues to color well. Tumbling wise she loves her coach. She has been practicing at home and truly looks forward to Friday so she can go back for more.
Devin is very excited for spring so he can play lax. I welcome this change from tball with open arms! :) in the next few weeks here I need to get him fitted for pads and a helmet. Yay to being back in south jersey where he can play at 5!
I may become a lax official this spring as well. It will all depend on if I can find a sitter who can come here to get dev off the bus and stay until I get done the game (s.) I think it would be fun to do. I cannot coach the medford lakes middle school team again since I would need to pay someone to be here to get devin off the bus and stay til 5 when I'm not getting paid for that position. It's a shame the cut that budget since I really enjoyed working with the girls. We shall see!