Riley is really just a little kid now and no longer my baby girl. She is talking like a normal little kid now, has been potty trained since the first week of April so over 4 months now, she runs around like a crazy kid with Devin. They ride scooters together out front, she attempts to ride his bike now and the list goes on. She has an opinion about everything...good, bad or indifferent- it is still a voiced opinion. It is crazy how it just happens so quickly. I miss my little baby girlie...thankfully Riley does still love to snuggle with me. Devin never really was one to snuggle. He likes to sit next to you but not cuddle like Riley does.
I know everyone always says to cherish while they are small because it goes so quickly. I knew this would happen, but I just cannot believe my "baby" is no longer a toddler. She is a little girl. She's dexterous, athletic, agile, kind, outgoing, sassy and a doll baby. I knew I always wanted a girl to raise and she really is such a great little kid. She is funny and a blast to be around. She has her faults and definitely has a mouth on her when she gets mad...but all in all she is such a great kid.
Y'all must be thinking what about your first born son? I do love him too. It's a different love though. Yes, it is still love for my child...but he is a different kid all together and what we do is different. How we spend our time alone is different. He is very smart, very creative, artistic has great creative thinking skills and not to mention athletic. He has been able to hit a baseball by self pitching for about a year now. He can juggle a soccer ball, shoot hoops like no other and nail a golf ball with his iron or driver (yes he has real metal clubs.) He also can swim now. I know all this is taught and only comes with practice and dedication but natural athleticism is not. He has great coordination and patience when it comes to sports. He is like me and does not like mediocrity. Who wants to be "OK" at something? Not me, not him. He practices and practices until he does it well. Whether it is hitting the golf ball square or getting under the baseball....he concentrates and focuses on the task at hand. I cannot wait until summer breaks and fall starts rolling in in another 6 weeks so we can spend more time outside. Quote goes, "Anything worth doing, is worth doing well," right?
When Devin goes back to school in two weeks, Riley will be registered for something....not sure yet. Maybe gymnastics or ballet? My Gym and Gymboree are too expensive and the community center offers some great classes. I just hope they work out timing wise for us while Devin is at school. I am thinking Devin will also be signed up for soccer this fall too? Las Vegas also has tee ball and the season is Oct 8th through Dec something...I have to talk to a few of my mommy friends to see what they are doing with their kids and see if we can get them on the same team.
Other than that...just relaxing on this Sunday. It is about 105 again today and sunny....I have ZERO motivation to go outside other than going to our pool for a swim. Frank is golfing and I (should) go to the gym. I have gone 4 times this week and will do the same this coming week so today would be my 5th day. My shins still really hurt from running on the treadmill. The rest of me feels OK so maybe I can take today as a rest day and maybe swimming in the pool will help them to calm down? Pool will be good because I could use some sun on my skin....wishing my feet were in the sand as well. sigh.
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