Friday, December 27, 2013


Kids were very fun this Christmas. They really were so excited and very anxious for the holiday to come. Spending time with family and gift exchanges were a huge success! 

Devin made a huge list for Santa so that made it very easy for family and I to shop for him. His top few gift from Santa were a telescope, marble run. Hot wheels triple track twister and two very specific lego sets. None were hard to find and he really  loved opening them all. 

Riley on the other hand was a little harder. She asked for a Sophia amulet, back yard trampoline, Legos, razor scooter and despicable me fart blaster. We were not ready to do the back yard trampoline yet but the other four items were under the tree. Last minute she asked for roller skates "that are real ones, not the ones you put your "neaker" in." Well since she is only four and will only be using them in the driveway she's not getting $35-$50 roller skates every shoe size until she's a bit older! 

They had a ball and took turns and truly are fantastic kids. Riley ended up get the calico critters manor and a bunch of rooms bc Santa needed more gifts for her. She ended up loving it and wouldn't even let me help her set the rooms up. The details on those toys are amazing. F-ing tiny and truthfully difficult to maneuver with my adult hands-but cool nonetheless. 
They had gifts under the tree from aunt Dana and uncle Troy As well as my bf Maria and her hubs Massi which is always fun since they're surprises for them too! 

as for me- signed up for one tri next year and looking for one or two more. Thinking I want one each month of the summer. I'm out if shape and really looking forward to updating my iPod and hitting the pavement. Ok so I'll never look forward to running, but I really am looking forward to hopping on my bike again and getting back in the pool. Running blows. 

Foyer is almost done. Pics to follow when it's finished.....

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Out w the old and in w the new

Frankie and I have been together for going on 11 years this June. I'm sure he'd tell you it was more like 17 :) our first year was spent apart since I was still in college and he a grown up in nj. For our first apartment we bought a wrap around sofa and that couch became the best piece of furniture ever. It wasn't the most stylish couch but man alive was it comfy. It just swallowed you in and I cannot tell you how many times that we have fallen asleep on it. My bestie Maria has actually preferred to sleep on it rather than in the guest room. Today 10 years later out beloved couch is on the curb.

Frank and I held off on buying Christmas gifts for one another (we both almost followed this) so we could purchase new furniture for our family room. We needed a new media console since our multi piece set from Vegas is way to big for the room (if anyone wants it-free come get it out if the garage) and the sofa didn't match at all. Investment made and we now have an awesome media console to match the room and sofa arrives today. We went with another wrap around bc they are the best for lounging and snuggling. The room is big enough to have it and we added a chaise to the one return.

This is the last piece of furniture left from our first years. It's been in 6 apts/homes, been lowered off a second floor balcony and traveled about 8000 miles around this county. Sigh it weathered well w just a small two inch tear across the back and a few rips on the edges of the cushions from when Cera was teething.

Other news, tomorrow is our one year anniversary as nj homeowners (part 2) and valentines day! Kids are very excited to exchange cards with their buddies at school and I'm baking some festive cupcakes for devs class. They are not allowing valentines day parties (boo!) but since I volunteer on Thursdays I will just (happen) to bring cupcakes for the class.

Wallpaper is down in my master and it only took me 5 days. Ugh! At least the task is done and now I just have to head to lowes Friday and pick out some paint. I have an idea of that color but just need to pull the trigger. Painting sucks, but taking wallpaper down sucks way worse. Thankfully I have at least another few weeks before I start the upstairs hallway/landing.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Come on spring...

I have decided that Riley will attend education station for pre-k next fall. I wasn't crazy about their 3 year old program but I live the pre-k program they offer. Her current preschool is not challenging enough and the 4 year old program is no better. She is really starting to enjoying formal learning and writing and I want to keep on a roll with that. She loves loves loves to learn new words and how to play "what's that word start with" while we drive in the car. She also loves to play eye spy and "I've got a good one" which is a game that we play when we give hints about characteristics of animals and she or I have to guess what the other one is hinting at. She calls it "I've git a good one" simply because one day when I was totally over playing eye spy I said "I've got a good one" to interrupt her a d it stuck. Gone are the days of quiet car rides where I can listen to music and drink my hot coffee. I do enjoy playing the games with her and ultimately helping her become a creative thinker.

Devin is uber excited for his 100 day celebration at school. He gets to go to the first grade classroom and visit. Not sure if that's all they do, but I know that's the highlight if the day for him. He's really doing well with reading and he's almost done his required 220 minutes to get a free 6 flags admission. I was hoping we could go one more summer without him knowing what great adventure was but oh well. I think this summer ill finally take them to the boardwalk in OC too. Last summer Riley still napped so it really wasn't conducive with the drive down...this summer we can do it!

I am not going to be able to ref this spring. With franks traveling I am not able to attend the classes required for certification. Next year :)

Devin got fitted for pads and is so pumped for lax to get started. Unfortunately it doesn't start until march 18th, but we can definitely get outback and have a pass. Next year Riley can play! Gosh I love living back east where the best sport is available to my kids at such a young age!

Dev and I had the stomach virus, Riley had the flu in jan and now she has a cold. I have allergies and our pets heads are falling off!

Spring is just around the corner as we reach our 1 yr. anniversary in this house. Can't believe it's almost been a year!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sick sick sick

Devin woke up two nights ago at 3 am to throw up. He was up all night after that and slept all day yesterday but maybe 3 hrs. He spiked again at 2 am last night at 102.4* for the second day in a row we are home. He seems fine otherwise and wants to eat. Yesterday he tried to eat crackers but they didn't stay down.

Riley is fine. And I hope it stays that way. I have to go out of town to NYC this coming weekend and I don't need them or I to be sick. They are both playing on their leap pad 2s and until I get some more caffeine in me that's fine by me.

Riley is doing very well with her writing and drawing skills. She enjoys doing her "homework" daily to practice a handful of words. She's getting much better with drawing things on colorectal proportion and continues to color well. Tumbling wise she loves her coach. She has been practicing at home and truly looks forward to Friday so she can go back for more.

Devin is very excited for spring so he can play lax. I welcome this change from tball with open arms! :) in the next few weeks here I need to get him fitted for pads and a helmet. Yay to being back in south jersey where he can play at 5!

I may become a lax official this spring as well. It will all depend on if I can find a sitter who can come here to get dev off the bus and stay until I get done the game (s.) I think it would be fun to do. I cannot coach the medford lakes middle school team again since I would need to pay someone to be here to get devin off the bus and stay til 5 when I'm not getting paid for that position. It's a shame the cut that budget since I really enjoyed working with the girls. We shall see!