Friday, December 10, 2010

Holy Crow they are getting big fast!

Riley has been able to take her pants off for some time now. She hates wearing clothes. It does not matter if she is wearing jeans, or the most comfy fleece jammies.....she wants them off. So, she takes them off. Every day. Yes, she can now officially take her shirt off too. Socks were first to figure out when she was a baby, then came pants when she was a little over a year and most recently shirts. She does put her clothes in the hamper like I trained her to do which helps with the mess. She also takes off her diaper which becomes the issue. She is doing well with peeing on the potty when prompted to, but at no means walks to the potty to pee. Since she is not potty trained, and she likes to strip down to her nakey bottom I have to make sure she is not over carpet. I am going to start to potty train her in January sometime I think.

She is also cutting eye teeth WHICH SUCKS BIG BALLS! She has never had teething issues other than a little whiney and nothing some orajel couldnt fix. These teeth on the other hand  are awful. I remember the same thing with Devin. Riley was up last night at 2:33, 3:00, 3:08 then 3:15 until I finally changed her diaper and put orajel in. She slept until 6:30 after that. Her top right is cut through with just the tip and the top right is right there. Her bottom two are coming up as well. I know this must hurt and some tylanol may have to be handy today.

Devin is a VERY verbal kid. He talks and talks and talks. I think it is his way of getting back at me for always saying, "tell mommy what you want, use your words." Man alive does he use his words, and phrases that make me laugh out loud. I will say something like, "Wow that house's Christmas lights are pretty aren't they?" His response is, "Sure is mom." I mean what 3 year old says that? Or he will ask me to get him a drink of water while he is doing nothing but I am busy. (we have a water cooler so he can do it himself) I will say, "No Devin, get your own drink." He then responded, "I can't mom, my legs are broken." Now I know I have said to him before that he has two legs and that he can do it himself, but to hear him say it in the correct context makes for a comical evening. He is a smart kid and his teachers love him. They gave me his progress report yesterday and he is excelling in all things social and academically. The only category he needs some guidance with is numbers. He apparently can count well forward 1-20, but forgets numbers when going backwards. Do they really expect a 3 year old to count backwards from 20 without guidance?

I think this winter we will actually be able to put ornaments on the bottom third of the tree. Riley was 9 mo last December so we were not able to and the winter before Devin was 18 mo and was tornado like. Now Riley is 21 mo and Devin is just 3.5 so I think we are good to go. I can only imagine how long it will take to decorate since I know Devin is going to insist on helping. I may have to give him a separate task to do while we put the ornaments on. Our desert house does not really have a place to put a tree so we will be trying a different location throughout our family room until we find one that works. Pictures to come.

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