Christmas morning was fun this year. For the first time Devin understood that there were presents from different people under the tree-Mommy and Daddy, Santa, Grammy, Mom Mom and Pop Pop, Kelly, Dana and Aunt Lauren and Uncle Don Ferry. I wrapped all the presents from Santa in kid specific paper. Devin had Spider man and Riley had Santa adorned paper. This allowed for Devin to pick out presents for himself and some to give to Riley without any confusion. Gifts from other people were in different paper and were labeled. He can read Mom, Daddy, Riley and Devin so he was able to give out the gifts to everyone.
Riley woke up first around 7 am and wanted to come downstairs as she normally does after she wakes up. I came downstairs and turned on the tree and some lights and got the cameras ready. We went in and woke up Devin and I told him I think Santa was here. After he registered that it was sunny out he sat up immediately and asked if Santa came, and if he brought gifts for him and Riley. His first reaction when peeping down stairs through the banister was,(whispering) "Wow, that is a lot of presents, look at all those cool presents." We had a table and chair set by the front door covered by a sheet and he walked by and looked at it. Then looked at the presents and couldn't resist in lifting the sheet. Then he walked over to the tree and just stood there in awe for a second and then saw the Spider man paper. The fun then began and it took about an hour and a half to open gifts. It was not a free for all so to speak since we wanted him and Riley to take turns, but since she saw her dolly stroller first she really wasn't interested in gifts. She would open a gift here and there, but then she spotted the dolly pack and play and she played the rest of the morning.
Frank gave me a lot of things but my most favorite present is a pair of Tory Burch flats I have been asking for forever! I cannot wait until I leave the house and get to wear them somewhere. Anywhere. I think he was most excited with his new Persol sunglasses or maybe the center stage tickets to Jersey Boys? Boys are tough because there was no major excitement. Just a bigger smile with certain stuff. I do know he hates one of the sweaters I got him from Ralph Lauren. He told me it is too "stuffy" when I think it is very "Chesapeake" so that item I may have to return. Overall it was a great morning. I would have loved to have gone with the rest of my family (minus Dana and Troy) to Baker/Sullivan/Viguers brunch at Cousin Debbie's house Christmas morning. I miss being able to see the family and do the once in a while family get togethers with them. Skinner family Christmas is not until next week so that would have been great too since Devin and Riley would have kids to play with. Devin still talks about how "cool" his cousin Jonathan is. Funny how younger kids idolize older ones. Jonathan was 5 in June so that whole 2 years is big enough to make him the coolest kid ever!
Frank started to feel sick Christmas morning and through the day got progressively worse. I was starting to feel under the weather by dinner time and by 10 at night we were both laid out. Some serious stomach virus attacked us and were were up all night sick. Yesterday was bad since that is when the stomach sickness was accompanied by body aches and pains. Kids thankfully never got sick and I am feeling much better today. Some 24 hr thing really did knock us on our asses.
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