Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Charmed Life-

So I we are laying in bed this am and Miss Riley waltzing in around 6:11. I told her it was still dark out and to go back to bed. She said she wants to snuggle and who can say no to that? She climbed up into our new bed and was out cold in less than 30 seconds. Her little warm cozy body and sweet smell is just awesome. Devin then walked in a few minutes later and fell asleep on Franks side. My heart was full and we were all cozy and warm until 6:28 when I turned off the alarm clock, picked Devin up and carried him back to his bed. Riley stayed in bed with Frank while I ran out to the bagel store and got coffees. I told Frankie last night I would go and get bagels first thing in the morning for him since he always got day old bagels and never fresh same day. We are out of coffee so I picked up two coffees too.

Life was good. Picked up (still warm) bagels, freshly brewed coffees and was listening to Sirusly Sinatra on the way home. Pulled into the driveway and went to pick up my coffee while the lid popped off and splattered coffee all over my brand new beige upholstery, console and floor. OK fine, I can deal with that. Walked Frank's coffee inside, got the oxy and paper towels, placed my 24 oz coffee on the driveway and cleaned up the car. After that was all clean I closed the door and then preceded to kick my coffee over. AHH. My so smooth and relaxing morning was just shocked back into reality in a matter of moments. Sigh, no use of crying over spilled coffee. Having a warm bagel was awesome though. Thanks Medford Bagel for being open at 6:45 :)

w a baby chick yesterday

Devin just woke up now and Riley and I are watching Cars and playing Five Little Monkeys-Cant catch me Game when she gets bored of the movie. Its another gloomy day and I LOVE it. The rain is awesome and it sure does help get the pollen washed away. Lacrosse has been canceled the last two days since the fields are a disaster and I am assuming today's game will be as well. We shall see later.

My cousin Lyneal is coming by today with her son Ethan. Can't wait for the kids to play together. Time to run to Wawa for a NEW coffee and Murphy's for some things before they get here.

And remember that Tupperware the squirrels ate through? I had it on the ledge in the porch yesterday and they f-ing ate through the screen, through the other side of the Tupperware and got stuck in my porch. UGH, now I have a big hole in the screen!

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