Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Devin tossed his woobie! ...nuts in a bowl on the bar...

So Devin sleeps with a blankie Kelly gave to me when I found I was pregnant the first time. I saved it and of course gave it to Devin as one of his baby blankets. Devin rotated between 3 or 4 blankets as a baby and was not particular until about 14 months. He then decided this Pooh blankie was the one and slept with it every night from then on out. Around the beginning of this past spring I told Devin that he is not allowed to bring it out of his room and after he turns 4 the "blanket fairy" will take it away if he does bring it out. I really did this to minimize the chewing he did on the blanket since it was getting very nasty very quickly. He listened well and we never had an issue. Two weeks ago I told him he was going to need to get rid of his blankie after he got back from San Diego and he again did not fight me on it. I told him it was stinky and dirty and needed to go. He would smell it and agree with me. On Monday I washed it again and realized there were holes all over it and showed him. This happens since he twists it up and chews on it when he goes to bed. He was helping me clean and pick up his room yesterday and grabbed his blanket and walked downstairs. He told me it was time to get rid of his soft blankie. He hugged it and said goodbye to it. I took his picture and grabbed it out when he walked upstairs so I could do something with it. He went right upstairs and grabbed his back out one I bought years ago. I made sure I had an extra one just in case he lost his first yes he was fine last night with no hitches. He did tell Frank when he got home from the gym and was OK with it. So proud of him.

Last night we lit the jack o lanterns at dusk and the kids loved them. Had to take this picture of them. They were super cute and nice to one another while helping me! Devin was very excited to see them all lit up and of course how to tell Riley how hot candles were and not to touch them. He was concerned the pumpkins would catch on fire too. You can see my two dogs through the front window too! Yesterday was 86* but the rest of this week until Halloween should be below 79* so they shouldn't be too rotted by Monday. Today is only 69* and I am LOVING every moment of it. Another reason why I would totally move to SF in a heart beat. LOVE cool fall weather. Love it everyday....sigh.

OK, so I forgot to add this story in when I wrote about the other night...Frank and I are waiting for our table at the bar. This restaurants bar is about 5-6 barstools long (very small) and there is one lone bartender. We sat down when another couple got seated. The bartender brought over some wafer crackers and two freshly made cheese spreads. There was also a bowl of mixed nuts on the bar in front of us that I wanted to eat from but would not since, well who knows what could be in that bowl and it was almost empty so I know for sure 'stuff' could be lurking it there...The bartender kindly filled up the bowl with fresh nuts and I started picking a cashew or pecan out one by one and snacking on them. Yummy, super salty nuts are awesome especially when we only buy salt free ones from Trader Joe's. Frank and I are chatting away with the nuts in front of me and the cheese spread in front of him sipping wine and hanging out. A man walks over to the bar with his female friend and she sits down two over from me leaving the middle seat empty. The man reaches over my shoulder and grabs a nut! OK, now this is not polite-but I can handle was one nut that he grabbed with two fingers not contaminating my bowl. He then reached back over my shoulder and dug his dirty gross man hand into my nut bowl and walked back over to his lady friend with a handful of nuts. SO NOT OK! Being a bio major I know what the hell could be on his hand...and now in the nuts...and anywhere for that matter. But, umm excuse me-these nuts are sitting in front of me! Not between us in one of those tall things that you pour a few into your was an open snack bowl that only holds a cup or so total. WTF! Frank was laughing out loud because apparently I had the most horrified look on my face. Do you blame me? I mean the gull of this guy? Ok fine, he may have been hungry-how about a, "Mind if I have some?" or "Mind if we share?" and I of course would have just given him the bowl because I am not sharing with a stranger...but nothing. Just plain old fashioned rude, reaching over my shoulder, dirty man fist manhandling my yummy salty nuts. After I gathered myself and wiped my horrified look off my face, I slid the nuts two barstools down to where the lady friend was sitting (never making eye contact). GROSSER THAN GROSS. Oh and not being judgemental-but I can tell you this man was not dressed like Frank and I were, and I can guarantee that he thought it was totally fine to reach over me and breathe on me while stealing my snack. No couth and no manners....and scraggly and unkept.

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