Monday, October 24, 2011

Only in Vegas......and some pumpkin carving

Frank and I went out to dinner Saturday night at Fremont Street. Those of you who are not familiar with what Fremont street is....its Old Las Vegas. Think Rat Pack, old Vegas movies with gold lights out front and old poker tournaments. It is neon sign central and lots of chasing gold light bulbs on the exterior of the casinos. Super old school and very dated-but that is what makes it Fremont Street. Not the huge mega casinos that take up acres of land like down south on the main strip now a days.

Frank went to Nordstrom and picked out my dress
as a surprise. Pretty good choice :)
There is one main reason we went there for dinner....Bananas Foster. Frank did some homework and found a place that makes bananas foster flambe table side-which is my all time favorite dessert. I have made Brennan's recipe at home before and it is delicious, but there is something said about a waiter in a tux doing it next to your table. The restaurant we went to was called Hugo's Cellar at the Four Queens Hotel and Casino. It is literally in the basement of the casino and has an old feel to it. Similar to that of The Library on 73 in Marlton but more secluded and private. This is definitely somewhere a famous person could dine and still have privacy. We were seated in a little corner space and there was only one other couple in the space. Now this is what brings me to the title of the post...Only in Vegas can you over hear another couples conversation about clits, blow and limos. Yes that is right. I heard the man (after they had a few martinis) ask the lady he was dining with what type of pressure/speed and so on she liked on her clitoris and if she liked it when he sucked on her labia? I mean really? At the dinner table? and loud enough for the table next to you to hear? He then told her she needs to become more familiar with her clitoris and labia?! SO....once the oral talk was done, he suggested they go get a limo and find some blow! I almost choked on my Chilean sea bass. They made a few calls each and in one hour from their meal completion they were on their way to pick up their bag of blow at Heart Attack Grill. least he was "smart" enough to get a limo instead of try and drive after snorting some coke. Yesh. The dinner was fantastic and the bananas foster was Brennan's recipe and it was delicious. Funny because I like grabbing a banana and a bite of ice cream while Frank likes all the rich caramelized syrup and ice cream...We went into Pawn Stars pawn shop on the way home. Nothing to write home about. Some cool stuff, but most of the super cool stuff was not for sale.

We carved pumpkins last night. Devin did a fantastic job. He was not too keen on hollowing out the inside, but I told him that comes first and he has to do it before he gets to carve the face. I had him draw a jack o lantern on his first and then I carved one triangle eye and one rectangle tooth (per his request instead of a jagged mouth.) He then carved the rest with one of those little sawing tools the kits come with. He kept his left hand on the pumpkin for leverage and cut away with his right hand...he was so proud of himself. It turned out great! Riley drew on the back of my pumpkin with a marker and I let her try and scoop some insides out while I helped Devin empty his.

what Dev picked out for me
to carve

Devs first solo carving

Final product. My skull and cross bones, Frank's web and Devs jack o lantern. Yay Halloween is almost here!

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