Friday, February 3, 2012

I should buy stock in drug companies-Devin's first love "art"


Riley decided she wanted to NEVER become a model. First we are in Babies R Us yesterday buying her a new pack of  "b"s and she decided to dilly dally and walk right into a metal rack end cap. We literally went to the store for one item just to buzz back out and continue errands. I cleaned it up best I could in the store and texted my Aunt who is a nurse practitioner but used to be an ER nurse and my girlfriend Stacy who is a OR nurse. Both said the ER was not necessary and that I could steri strip/butterfly it myself. Ok Fine. I put neosporin on it to keep it moist so I could wrap up my last two errands and we went home and patched it right up. Stacy checked it out last night too and it was ok. 

Today while at The District Riley was playing on a 2 ft stone bench/wall thing and wasn't paying attention and walked off it and hit the pavers with her forehead. Riley is typically a very agile kid. She has just been too distracted with other things and two head injuries in the same 24 hours is just too much. She did not have a concussion and never complained post accident of a head ache. I did give her some Tylenol just in case but MAN ALIVE kid~watch out!

Devin on the other hand has been on amoxicillin since Monday. He has not had a fever since Tuesday so I figured the meds were working. We did not even have to do any breathing treatments yesterday. Today when I picked him up from school he was fine and then within an hour of being home he was burning up. He had a fever of 101.9 so I gave him some Tylenol with codeine and told him to take a nap. An hour into the nap he was screaming and crying that his ear hurt! UGH! An hour later (now 2 since the meds) I took his temp and it was still resting around 101. After a few rough  phone calls I got a new antibiotic called in (omnicef) and we just picked that up with some more Motrin to alternate with the Tylenol. Hopefully this works because if not, we are F-ed for the plane ride Tuesday.

a homemade transformer?

On a much lighter and warm fuzzies note, Devin received a note from a girl at school today. Her name is Kennedy and she is a doll. She has played with us before at after school playdates and they have been paired up before for Christmas/Spring concerts both this year and last. I asked him if she gave a this "mail" as he called it, to other kids and he said no that she only gave him it. I asked what she said and he said that she told him she made him mail because she likes him. Not sure what that means, but its adorable. I guess its not a note per say-but some art work since she did not write him anything. Sweet none the less. He wants to take her one on Monday. So glad he had one more day at school to see her.

I am completely done packing my room minus the bathroom, all Devin's room. all playroom besides TV and all of Riley's room minus the few books still on her shelf. The only things I have left are the odds and ends in the kitchen, under the kitchen sink and the downstairs full bath as well as the odds and ends in the garage. We are in pretty good shape and thank goodness since I only have two days left to pack. AHH! Truck will be out front Monday at 7am.  I am going to have some wine and catch up on last nights Private Practice instead of pack the undersink areas. Its been a hell of a day and I am DONE.

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