Monday, March 19, 2012

Busy busy-Birthdays and first zoo visit!

using a hockey stick to hit the worked :)

Miss Riley is officially three. Sigh. That went fast. She was SUPER excited about her birthday and for it finally to have arrived she was beside herself. She requested a bagel for breakfast and wanted to dine in. I can't say I ever dined in at Medford Bagel Shop?  We then ran a few errands before she requested a picnic out back of Cars chicken nuggets, strawberries and green grapes. I love how it is the little things. She wanted pizza for dinner and of course her Tinker Bell cupcakes she picked out at the supermarket. We celebrated her with a lil party this past Saturday at the house. Being as it was St Patricks Day as well...we served Irish beers and had green beads to hand out.

She is starting to fight me on napping. Not every day-not even every week...just now and then but on the random day she does not nap she is so sad and miserable by dinner time. The kids play hard all day especially since spring has sprung and we have been out back or at the park daily. As I type she is walking around in her room and coming mid stair before looking at me and walking back up. She needs this nap! Devin does lay down now and then, but if he does not he knows he needs to go to his room and play quietly for at least a half hour. He will sit and read books, or play with his Legos. Gives us all a break.

We finally had wild turkeys in our back yard on Saturday. Riley was upstairs taking a nap and a friend and his 4 kids were over still after the party. I looked out back and saw a half full of them walking around in the woods...we bribed the kids to go and run after them to see if they could catch them. HILARIOUS! I have heard them and the deer are daily visitors in our yard...cant wait. Loving that we have nature right here. I do not mind the bugs, spiders and such since it means we get the cool things like a family of deer walk through the back yard.

I did invest in a fancy squirrel proof bird feeder. Love to watch lil birds come and visit. They eat from the feeder and take a little dip in the bath next to it. The old owner of this house loved birds because she had a few houses, bath and a statue of St Christopher? holding birds in the back yard.

We went to the Philadelphia Zoo on Friday. Kids LOVED it. We went with an old friend's wife, her two kids and her nephew (also baby of an old friend.) I have not been to the Philly zoo since 2nd? grade and I remember it being so awesome. I can't believe how tiny it is. Maybe I am just spoiled by San Diego? Kids did not seem to notice so that is all that matters. They had a ball with their buddies and enjoyed running from animal to animal. The zoo is under serious construction so hopefully by summer it will be completed with more to see. We did buy a family pass so we can go often. Its just a hop, skip and jump over the bridge and the kids are used to those rides so they were not fazed by it. The beginning of last week was beautiful and of course it was freezy that morning, but none of the kids seemed to care.

We may also join the Camden Aquarium so we have lots of activitites to do this spring/summer. Besides swimming and playing at the beach it would be nice to have a few other options for a change of scenery. I have yet to see Mother Ocean but she is calling my name. Maybe Thursday-going to be 80 and I bet the kids would love to go build some castles!

Devin (4), Brayson (4), Brock (1), Sadie (almost 2) and Riley (3)

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