Sunday, August 8, 2010

Great morning for a hike at Red Rock Canyon

Last night it rained and we had some awesome lightning. I even got a video of some of it while coming home from babysitting for a friend. I miss good summer storms since moving out to the desert. Anyway, when I opened the door to let the dogs out this morning I was greeted with cool crisp 74* air. Now you may think that that is not cool and crisp....Las Vegas' average low at this time of year is between 87-90*. That is NJ's average high for the day when that is all it 'cools' down at night here. So when it was a cool 74*, I decided that today was a perfect day to take the kids for a hike. Frank was out golfing so it was just the kids and I. What a beautiful morning down at Red Rock Canyon.

Red Rock Canyon is about 10 minutes away from my house and about 5 more minutes into the canyon is where we parked and started out into the open grounds. I wear Riley in a backpack frame carrier and Devin walks. We do not go too fast since we go at his pace, but it is still a small workout none the less. It was warm out by the time we got there at 8:30, but breezy and partly cloudy.

Poking a stick in a tarantula hole
We saw about a dozen lizards and a few GIGANTIC beetles. Not sure what type they were, but the body part was about 2-3 inches long. Gross if you ask me. Devin loved to poke them with a stick. I took Riley out of the carrier on the way back to the car and let her explore a lil so I could take pictures of the two of them. Only one bummer about our outing was we lost Riley's white hat (second lost one this summer.) Other than that, it was a great hike and we met some friendly people and pooches along the way.

The 10 day forecast shows nothing but triple digits again with lows in the 90s but today we will take in the high of only 98*. Sounds ridiculous....but really it is a great break from the 100's. It was a great reminder of what is coming in another 6 weeks.

Walking back from the mountain. See Devin coming up the path....?

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