I have been going to the gym since November, but really consistently since April. My gym has an excellent day care facility. I was super worried about skeevy dirty toys and snot nosed kids running around when I first decided to send my two. They told me that they shut down the climbing thing and wash it twice a day. (once mid day and once at night) I was skeptical about this until I saw it in person just before lunch when I was picking up the kids. Great to know they actually do it...and best yet, they turn kids away at the door if the appear to be sick! Gotta love that. A-hole mothers who bring their kids to a facility sick like that should be shot. Not really, but come on lady-your kid has dried snot on their face and a glob in their nose. Gag!
Riley goes into a separate area than Devin. She goes into a play area designated for 12 months to 2 years and Devin is in the huge area with 2 yrs plus. Riley has cried every single time I drop her off for 8 months. That is a few times a week for 4 weeks a month for 8 months. Does it bother me? No, I turn around and walk out and continue on my work out regime. They call you if your kid is crying for more than 5-10 minutes and will not calm down. I can watch the daycare from tvs all around the gym and on all cardio machines through the tv mounted on it. Rarely do I check more than once if at all. Bad mom? Maybe, but I know she is just fine and a little crying will not kill her. She then cries when she sees me when I come to sign her out.
Ok, so that was the first 8 months-which brings us to this past month. Riley has not cried once. Not when I drop her off, not when I pick her up. What is up with that? Why now? She actually puts her arms out to the teenager when I drop her off. Devin loves it there. They have a bounce house, HUGE, I mean HUGE climber tube thing, tvs with video games, a dvd playing, two of those dance pad things, tables and chairs for crafts and random toddler kitchens and such. A kids dream if you ask me. I have no excuse why not to work out. Well only one is if one of the kids is sick, but besides that-I am good to go now that they both like/love it.
Devin is a week and a half away from starting preschool. I am sad and excited at the same time. I cannot believe that he is old enough to go to preschool. He is so excited and keeps asking me questions about what kind of new friends he will meet, and what his teacher is like. We go to the school for orientation and teacher meet and greet on Friday the 20th. He gets to see his classroom and put his name on this cubby hole. Dev will be going Tuesdays/Thursdays in the morning for three hours. During that time, one day I will drive home and the other day Riley and I will stay on that side of town until it is pick up time. Riley will be starting tumbling at a gym called GymCats. It is sponsored by the local community center and is really reasonable for 6 weeks ($38) for 45 min a day. We will also hit up the gym over there and then pick up Devin and come home for lunch. I am a planner as you see and I love having a game plan. Type A all the way! I am excited that Riley and I will get to do something alone. We think it is important that she have special time like Devin did before Riley was born.
We were going to put Devin in tee ball this fall, but we decided to wait until spring sign ups. He would love to play now, but most of the friends who we would signup with are not ready yet so we will wait until he can sign up with his buddies. So we have that much longer to work on hitting and catching. He does really well off a tee and has for quite sometime now. For a few months now we have been working on hitting from a real pitch. He can hold his own with this. He loves to run the bases we have in the backyard. I have no idea how to teach him rules or how to field a ball. I guess that will come with a bunch of kids on a field so he can understand there are different places to be. Once it cools down it will be more fun to play out back without all the water toys everywhere.
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