Monday, August 23, 2010

Preschool starts tomorrow!

Orientation went well last week. Devin seemed very interested in meeting new friends and was not at all shy with the new kids he met. That does not suprise me, but you always wonder what it will be like when I leave him there. Our preschool is connected to an elementary school. Drop off is not walking them down the hall and saying good bye. I have to pull up in a line and leave him that way. I am not sure how he or I will do with a good bye like that. I guess we will see tomorrow morning at 8:30. I will be staying on that side of town for the morning just in case. In case of what? I have no clue....but for the first day, I want to be over there.

His teachers seem very nice and they think Devin is adorable which for some reason makes me feel slightly better. His class is full with 22 kids and he has two teachers (no aids.) The MWF classes in the am are full too and the afternoon sessions are less full. I am guessing that is because of naps? Ha, that is not an issue here since he gave them up at 2.5. Boo to that.

Kelly came out for a surprise visit over the weekend. Devin and Riley both really enjoyed playing with Aunt Kelly. We playing the backyard and Devin and Kelly took turns spraying each other with the hose. It is kinda funny b.c the hose is never cold here so it is not that bad being sprayed with it. We went to our local pool and it was freezing so we only lasted there about 45 min yesterday. At least she got to see the kids playing in the pool for a little while. Devin woke up this morning after she left and told me all about going to visit her in NJ and see her dogs next month.

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