There are days that I feel overwhelmed...not because our house is chaotic or because I have a million mindless things that need to get taken care of in a days time. As you all know, Devin is allergic to eggs and dairy. He is getting better with the dairy allergy but the egg allergy is still awful. We went to dinner with another couple Saturday night as a last minute idea. (We decided to go at 4:45 with me still having to shower and then drive across town to the restaurant)
Being an authentic Italian restaurant we ordered the kids pasta with pomadoro sauce. I never though twice about it. He eats pasta all the time at home....yeah except the restaurant makes their pasta fresh with (gasp) eggs! Ok so now it was not immediate that he started his vomiting....but as soon as we ventured on the way home across town he started and it was all over him, his car seat and Riley's new dolly he was holding for her. I have gotten pretty good at taking the car seat apart from having to wash it a million times so that was easy, but it was all over him. Down his shirt, on his shirt, shorts, new braided belt, socks. Eww, gag I can still picture it. He had to get in the shower and rinse off. We are not sure why he has this allergy. I exclusively breast fed him until he was able to drink milk, neither Frank nor I have food allergies and I waited until the correct age to introduce them.
So anyway-He was whiny Sunday and kept saying his belly did not feel well and I contributed that to his allergic reaction the night prior. Monday comes around and he comes to our room first thing in the morning to tell us he threw up in his bed. So I have to strip the bed down and wash it all in three loads because there was vomit everywhere. Devin is whining, won't eat and just wants to lay and watch tv. We are not a big television house so I am leery...but say ok just so he will stay still. Riley was a peach and just went with the flow while he took trips to the kitchen trash can. Yes, Devin is trained to walk to the kitchen trash or a toilet depending where he is in the house. He is a puker. Which is a whole other story.
So today Devin does want to eat but will not eat when I put food in front of him. He woke up at 8:45 this am and asked for a drink and then asked to go back to bed and not come downstairs. He ended up coming out of his room about 10:40 this morning. He is asleep on the couch as we speak next to me. He does not have a fever, is having regular bowel movements and is in an ok mood today. I just do not get it. I would think that if he had a bug he would have diarrhea or a fever?
Riley is getting to the age that she wants to do everything herself. She will not let me help her, but gets frustrated when she cannot do it herself. I love watching her try and figure out what she is attempting to do. Trail and error is so cool in kids. Devin is very into helping her and she will allow his helping hand, just not mine.
Our house is pretty clean, the dishes are done for the most part and our couches got professionally cleaned today. Things should be pretty relaxed, but for some reason I am just exhausted and want to fast forward until tomorrow. Hopefully by then Dev will be back to his normal self and we can leave the house. Until then, I should start my casserole and pour a glass of wine.
i hate vomit. I almost lost it once when Mia threw up on me and I had to make bryan clean it up and hold her until she stopped stinking. Im a great mom =(