Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween is almost here! Everyone is missing his first concert/parade :(

 I was never really into Halloween....but now that I have two kids I find myself LOVING it. They are just so fricking cute in their costumes. Devin is going to be a chef. I got the costume during Gymbucks redemption period at Gymboree last month and Riley is going to be a kitty cat that is from Old Navy. I scored Riley's at a community yard sale new with tags for $5 last fall....SCORE! Devin has been asking if it is time to wear his costume now for two weeks. We thankfully had a chance to put them in their costumes last Saturday for a friend's Halloween themed birthday party. They were so cute and got lots of compliments. Kids are just so cute all dressed up for the holiday. Devin's hat is a tad big so it pushes his ears out, but he does not seem to mind. Since Riley is now finally talking a bit she can say "meow" when she is in her costume. Cami (the birthday girl) was a lil ladybug and was sweet as can be!
taken at the park last Friday
 taken at the park Friday
Devin is SO excited to go trick or treating this weekend. In Las Vegas we have perfect weather for it. The average is usually 65-75 so there is no major layering needed like there was back East when we were kids. I bought Snyder's pretzel bags and fruit roll ups for the trick or treaters. Frank calls me lame and told me we were going to get egged since I did not buy candy. I will not buy chocolate since childhood obesity is everywhere....and if we have left overs, I want our kids to be able to eat what we have (and I will not give them candy). I got the fruit roll ups to satisfy him with giving out sugar.  Last year I gave out goldfish snack bags and Annie's snack bags. Devin also has a Halloween concert and parade at school on Thursday. I am so sad that all of our family is missing it. It is times like this I really hate living so far away from everyone. He is overly excited and anxiously awaiting for Thursday to get here so he can "walk in a line" with his friends and "smile and wave to Mommy and Daddy." I guess the teachers have been prepping the kids on what a parade is. I will be that mom who has her video running and camera out as well.
Devin officially is staying dry overnight. He has been potty trained for over a year during the day time, but up until last month had been peeing in his pull up at night. The kid is the soundest sleeper ever. I was taking him to the potty when Frank and I went to bed around 10 and he stands and pees in his sleep, carry him back to bed and he rolls over and continues sleeping. Hysterical! Now he wakes up dry everyday. So glad because those pull ups are expensive! I was proud to have potty trained him so early for a boy....but confused as to why he was still peeing at night. At least that chapter is over and now Riley is next. I will hopefully have her potty trained started in December. I figure she is 21 mo by then and is already interested now.

I took the kids to the local park yesterday since the weather was absolutely perfect out. I really want to get better at taking pictures so I brought the camera along and was playing with the settings. These last three pics are some that I took. I love taking pictures and I love having the camera to be able to do it....I just wish I had the knowledge of all my camera offered. I am starting to read up on it more...but I guess I just need to get out there and practice more. Kids are tough to take pics of though since they are all over the place. I like action and candid pics better than still sitting portraits. I love kids in action and seeing their personality first hand. None of these pics have been edited, so that is my next chore....figure out how I can play with the settings of the picture with editing software.

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