Sunday, March 13, 2011

Rileys birthday came and went. She got her first BARBIE!

So today we had a birthday party for Miss Riley. We had some great friends over for some play and lunch. Kids had a ball in the rented bounce house. It was a ginormous one of 15 by 15 feet and fit as many kids that wanted to play inside. Riley and Devin both had a ball inside with kids and were never hesitant to bounce and tackle other kids. I am happy that they are not afraid to get rough when others are rough with them and Devin was definitely trying to get other kids to come and play with him inside. He was so sweet; he said, "Mom, come inside the bounce house, it's fun I promise."
Miss Riley had a BALL today. She bounced and bounce until 2 pm (1pm before time change)when she passed out in her crib. She took a nap regardless of the kids still here. She also went to bed for the night at 7:15 tonight since she bounced after dinner again. Dev followed at 7:30 tonight. I am glad that they adjusted to the day light savings well. The bounce house really helped with this to wear them down.

all the kiddos

I cannot believe my sweet girl is 2. Where has the last 2 years gone? On a great note, she had a fantastic day with her friends and got to open her gifts after dinner. She received her very first Barbie doll and Barbie car! This plays a special part in my heart since I had a Barbie room growing up to share with my sisters. Yes, a whole room dedicated to Barbies. The room was small, but it was full with Kelly's Barbie dream home and Ferrari and my 57 Chevy and RV.  Between Dana, Kelly and I we had 30 or 40 Barbie dolls and Barbie suitcases full of clothes and accessories. Oh how much time we spent in was amazing. So Riley is officially in this club. She and Devin both loved the car Riley was given to go along with actual birthday doll. YAY for Barbies!

She was given a lot of dress up clothes and shoes. I am happy we bought her the 6 pack of princess shoes since she ended up LOVING them. She also received another pair which is awesome as well as a Belle dress and Dora dress and crown. I guess 2 is a great age to start dressing up and Riley was definitely feeling it. She also received other great gift including jammies she is wearing tonight. I love that Riley is so open to everything. She oohed and ahhed everything and showed appreciation with everything that she opened. We are so lucky to have such generous friends out to share this special day with. Grammy (Cookie), Mom Mom and Pop Pop Skinner, Kelly and Aunt Dawn and Uncle Lou had sent gifts also in time for her birthday to show her some love. We just wish we were closer to share this special day with them. All in all it was a great day with awesome company.

with her new shoes on!

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