Monday, July 25, 2011

no more Mom and Dad, Frank and Shannon?

For a few months now Devin has been calling me Shannon as a joke. He will also call me by first name if I take to long to acknowledge him. He does the same thing with Frank. I thought it was funny and still do because he still calls us Mom and Dad 98% of the time.  Riley now calls Frank by his first name. What? She is just over two. I reminded her that Frank is Daddy and not Frank. She just smiled and sucked her thumb. Is this normal? I know my other friend Tina's daughter started calling her by her first name at this age.....but how do you stop it? Everyone else calls us Frank and Shannon so I could see why they do it....

Not much going on here. Just trying to stay entertained in the heat. We went to the pool today with my friend Mandy and her (almost) 2 year old Mia. The kids lasted about an hour before being bored and hungry. Not bad considering they were up really early and they went to the daycare at the gym before the pool for an hour and a half while I worked out. Devin is doing well swimming, but today was not really in the mood. He was cranky and whiny and apparently hungry because he ate almost the whole time we were there. Riley was such a good girl at jumping into the pool all by herself. She loves to be in the pool and splash around. It is funny to see how she amps herself up to jump in and then once she takes the plunge she cannot wait to do it again.

Riley loves to sing and does it all the time now. She is also talking so much now. Full sentences and although it is in squeaky 2 year old voice, it is not as high pitched as some little ones. She is so proud of herself when she says something or asks for something and I understand what she says fully. I knew it would happen overnight and I am just glad to be in this place now that she and Devin can communicate to one another and not want to kill each other the whole time. Devin was starting to get pretty inpatient with her since she was not able to talk back to him when he would talk to her.

Devin starts school 4 weeks from today. I am very excited about this. First, I am glad to have him in a structured class that challenges him. Second, I love that Riley and I will get some one on one time again. It also gives me a chance to run to the supermarket without both kids as well as other errands. He is excited to go back as well and see his school friends again. We have been playing with a whole lot of friends this summer, but not really the ones from school. He does love learning and I know he had a great time there last school year. I am also looking forward to the fall so we have better weather. Las Vegas in the summer is the pits. Las Vegas as a whole is the pits...but summer is the worst. (esp since I was in northern Cali-aka Heaven just last week)

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