Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kids kids and more kids...

The Weber, Skinner, Bryan, Skinner and Mullen kids
This trip back to NJ was full of playtime with lots and lots of kids. Devin and Riley got to play with their cousins from the Skinner side Thursday, Friday and Saturday all day long. They even got to stay up late with the older kids and thought it was very cool to get to watch movies together. Those cousins were 11, (almost) 8, 6, 4 and 1 years old. They even got to see some extended cousins Friday at a farm out in PA. Devin shadowed his 6 year old cousin Jonathan the entire time. Jon was very sweet and did not let it bother him. Riley played well with all of them and Erin who is Dev's age shared well with her. The two older girls Annika (11) and Abby (8) were great with being patient and helping us out wtih the chaos the younger ones created. All in all it went without any major issues and the kids were awesome together. I must say we are definitely excited to get back to NJ so the kids can play with their cousins more often. Dev was definitely crushed when he found out he had to leave his cousin and go to another house for a few days. He has already asked if Jonathan can come over and have a sleepover at our house and play pirates with him.

Devin (4) Hunter (11) Alexis (13) Trevor (11) and Riley (2)

Sunday they played with my first cousins that are 15, 13 and twin 11 year olds. The kids were awesome with my two and danced and played with them at my grandfather's 80th birthday party. Its funny that my kids to them (age wise) are like they were to Kelly, Dana and I 10-12 years ago. The Paone 4 were thoroughly entertained by my crazy two.  I cannot wait for when we move home and Alexis can babysit for us. She is going to be the perfect age of 14 to come have a sleepover and sit.

Sadie Thurber (march 2010) Riley (March 2009)
Brayson Thurber (March 2008) Brock Kempf (March 2011) and Devin (June 2006)

Then Monday night they played with children of siblings I grew up with Deidre and JT Thurber. JT's son Brayson is 3.5 and he and Devin hung out and played with super heros and transformers. Sadie hung with the boys since Riley was fixed with watching Monsters Inc. Deidre's son Brock who is still just a tike is so sweet and reminds me of Devin. Don't wipe is face or nose. He will tell you who's boss and yell at you. I was cracking up at the squeaks he was making at me when I would try and help him out. I couldn't believe that between Deidre, JT and I we had a kid every March for 4 years straight (Devin threw the wrench in the mix and was June) or it would have been one every year for 5 years!

Riley, Lila Battjer, Lucy Battjer
Devin and Joey Phillips (part duex)

Tuesday we got to play with an old friends son and her sister's two kids. I grew up with Julie and of course saw a lot of her big sis Jen since I was always at Julie's house as a kid. Julie's son is a lil shy of 2 and Jens girls are three and just over 2. It's funny that my kids are not shy at all and were true to their usual tendencies and waltzed right into the playroom and made themselves at home. Always nice to catch up with old friends and see how much their kids have grown. Facebook makes it easy to "see" friends, but in person is always best. Love that my friends kids are my kids ages so we can get together and play!

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