Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Moving along quickly-Saved 83.3% at Gymboree ;)

When Frank first left, we had 26 days until I flew to NJ. Now we are already at 21 days. I know the last 5 days zoomed right on by just like the next three weeks are. We most likely will fly out Tuesday Feb 7th or Wednesday the 8th. So three weeks from today I will be out-skis from NV. Weird....How packing SUCKS with a big fat capitol "S" but it is progressing smoothly. I ran out of bubble wrap but that was delivered within two days of me placing the order. Back to work here now with filling up boxes. I am not a pack rat and thank God for that. I have no baby stuff left over besides Riley's bedding (anyone know someone who needs frilly girl bedding?) and my diaper bag. I have CL-ed or donated everything else. That said, we still have so much stuff. It does not seem that way when it is all put away in it's place...but when you have to take all the stuff from cabinets and pack it in an organized piles up. Safe Nest is my favorite place to donate stuff to since it helps women and families with small children so I have been making bags for them. I just wish they would pick up instead of me having to remember to bring the bags in the car to the drop off bins.

I really have no idea where my mind is these days. For example, today I had to go to the bank after I dropped Devin off to school. I drop him off and realize I forgot my deposit at home-which is 25 min away in the wrong direction. I also forgot to give Devin his allergy medicine so now he is all congested again. Gosh I suck. I really do need to start using post it notes again to keep myself more on top of the daily BS I have to take care of. I can honestly admit I forget to put deodorant on half the time. Rarely do I get to take a shower without a kid and when I do, but the time I am drying off and getting dressed at least one of them is in the vanity area with me. They both climb all over the place, want to put lotion on, want to clean out their ears, brush hair, f around with the water and so yes, half the time I forget.  I was the same way with my bc pills. I actually had them taped to the fridge so I would remember to take them. I still forgot. I sure hope I am not the only one like this.

Gymboree gymbucks redemption started today so I preshopped last night. I usually do this without the kids but since I am a single mommy for a few more weeks I had no other choice but to bring them. The staff at my gymborees are SO nice and helpful. No matter who is working at either of the two locations I go to, they are always going above and beyond for me. I used to shop there a lot but this year I did shop Baby Gap more since they seem to fit my petite kids better. The earning period for these gymbucks started way back in Sept and went through yesterday. Over the last 4 months I earned $150 in Gymbucks so I had to spend $300 in merchandise to get the $150 off. Gymbo Corp wants people to use them for new line (Spring) and stock up on full price stuff....but that is not how I do it. I bought all fall/winter clearance from this year for next year. There was SO much for Riley and of course hardly anything for Devin. The lady working was super nice and went through the whole back stock for me of all the sale lines and was only able to find one, yes one outfit and it was ugly so I did not get it. I was able to put together one outfit for him which is cute. She did pull lots of jammies though for Devin and Riley which was awesome. Devin loves clothes as does Riley so they had a ball looking at new stuff. Devin really wanted a new pair of board shorts and rash guard but I talked him out of it saying he can pick it out in NJ this summer. I cannot really buy from toddler boy/girl for them anymore because that sizing is made for chubby kids while kid girl/boy is made more streamline (what I need.) I paid (after taxes) $162.41 and the total would have been $969.70 if bought at retail. I think that is a pretty good savings considering its 83% off and I will be able to make that back times a lot when I sell on EBay! There is one shirt not picture I bought for Riley but it doesn't go with anything but the penguin denim shirt and its plain purple. Lame. The unicorn stuff was sold out bottom wise, but it can go with jeans. Same with the snowflake shirt-perfect with a jean shirt and the decorative tights...Love good deals.

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