Sunday, January 15, 2012

Our new house-kids sleeping in bed with you

Ok, now that inspections are done. Three day attorney review is up and all mortgage stuff is set up...I can get excited about the house we bought. Its official, we will be moving into Shamong in three and a half weeks. It is in Brotherton Acres/Shadow Lake right where Atsion meets Oakshade. Fantastic neighborhood and on a wooded acre lot! Cannot wait to make it ours. Frank has never lived in the woods and has never had a fire place EVER in his life so I cannot wait for him to experience cozy winters in our new home. I was a teeny tiny bit nervous about what he thought today when he saw it for the first time for the inspection. I went house shopping without him and since this is going to be our home for the long haul I was a little stressed out. Having checked out 12 houses in 2 days in three townships---I am super happy he is pleased. Lord knows it will be freezing when we move back in early February. South Jersey has not seen snow this winter (beside that random storm around Halloween) so I am guessing we will have a blizzard the week we move back. :) By now they should have seen 2-3 good storms....mother nature is just waiting for our arrival from the desert! I guess I need to buy boots, snow suits and some mittens for the kids. Haha more than the coordinating ones from Janie and Jack that are just knit.

We are slowly getting our bodies used to colder air. I turned our thermostat down three degrees so its not so much of a shock. I know it sounds silly, but it will help keep our heating bill down once we move. The temperature differential is much much greater in NJ than it is here for internal home temps. Devin tells me its freezing and Riley's little nose is always cold inside the house. Haha it is only 67* in here now but they are used to 70*. They wear slippers now all the time and Riley has been so much more snugly to "keep cozy." All I can say is Thank God we bought a house that has gas heat instead of oil. The majority of the other houses all had oil heat...whew glad I picked out one with gas especially since I do not remember how to cook with electric!

Since Frank is in cal king bed is way empty. We have NEVER allowed our kids to sleep with us in bed. I am completely anti bedsharing. I know some parents love's not for me. Thank goodness Frank feels the same way. It is total BS that people said they had to because they nursed...blah blah blah. I exclusively breast fed and got my butt up and walked to the nursery, fed the baby in the chair, put the baby back to sleep (in their crib-alone) and walked back to my room. Whoa super hard and super exhausting. Insert laugh. I really do not understand why people want their kids in their beds. Not only are you giving them a dependency and will have to break them of it, but you are eliminating any alone/private time with your partner. Devin has been in his own room since he was 7 weeks old. Frank made his crib and that is when it was complete. Riley went into her room at 8 weeks as well and would have been sooner, but we went to Hawaii when she was 7 weeks and I figured it would have been easier to transition her when we got back. Both have been solid sleepers since I have been consistent with keeping them in their own rooms/bed ALONE. That said, when I took Riley to potty when I was getting ready to go to bed, Riley wanted to snuggle with mommy last night since Daddy was on an airplane. I thought about it and said no and put her back in her room. I will stick to my guns with this one. Now is definitely not the time for me to start loosing sleep or having to readjust them.  Again- to each his own, but no way Jose in this house. 

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