Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter! No bunny meeting this year :(

the trails started at their doors
The kids were VERY excited about Easter this year. They are at such a great age and understand and look forward to special days. Devin told me on Saturday that he needs to wake up super early so he can catch the bunny before he leaves our house. I let him know that the bunny has super powers and is so fast no one can ever catch him so he needs to sleep until normal time. I woke up early by habit and went outside and hid the eggs. We had about 100 eggs all over the backyard. Last year I could not find our plastic eggs so I went out and bought more. This year I had those and the original ones so we filled and hid them all. 

waking her up!

talk about bed head!

Devin woke up earlier than Riley so I told him he needs to stay in our room while I take the dogs out and if Riley is not awake when I come back up he can wake her up. (it was about 7:15am) He agreed and Riley thankfully is a morning person so she perked right up when he and the dogs charged in her room. They set out on their trails that the bunny left for them down the stairs and to their hidden gifts. Their baskets were in the family room on the hearth waiting for them after they found their gifts. After seeing those they couldnt' wait to go look for eggs out back. Riley couldn't find her other flip flop and god forbid she miss out on anything so she wore two different shoes. Devin had to wear his cleats b.c they make him run super fast. :)

After a few squalls out back going for hte same eggs they found them all and came inside to play. Riley was all about opening them up and eating the jelly beans or m &ms inside. There was one piece of candy per egg or some change for their piggy banks. I know they are both competitive, but man did they get into this and feisty. Its not like they only had 20 eggs to find. We definitely had plenty-geez...

We drove down to the shore to go to The Seaview Marriott (now Seaview resort and spa) for brunch. We went to the JW in Summerlin last year and really dug it so we wanted to keep with our formal and traditional Easter brunch out. We got compliments all morning with how cute hte kids were in their Easter best and how well behaved they were especially in the atmosphere we were in. Our table was along the window and had full view of the ocean course and the bay. Sigh I LOVE having the water so close. Did I ever say how much I missed that? The bunny was scheduled to visit the Marriott for breakfast but he did not. I was kinda bummed about this since we do not visit the kind at the mall....oh well. Next  year.

Riley and I went over to Aunt Bettys for dinner and Frank stayed behind with sick Devin. All in all it was a great day minus the fact Devin somehow got a virus and is STILL running a fever. Last night it went up to 103.5 even with Tylenol in his system. He is still in bed now at 9:45 being restless and falling asleep and waking back up. His temp is now down to 101.0 but still too high for him to want to get out of bed. He is staying hydrated which is great and peeing a lot. He does not want to eat but the nurse at his ped said that was fine. We had to cancel another playdate today and I have lots to do tomorrow so hopefully his little body can kick whatever it is he is fighting by then. Riley is fine and crazy.

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