Friday, April 13, 2012

Party in the bath!

bird on left is yelling at other two

Living in Shamong is like living in National Geographic South Jersey style. Yesterday am we had two very large deer in the back yard and at least twice a week we see turkeys and turkey vultures around the neighborhood. Daily we see lots of squirrels and birds in the back yard. Having the kitchen nook picture window is awesome. The kids and I eat breakfast and watch the animals play outback. We have been here for two months tomorrow and the kids are still in awe over the lil birds and squirrels-not to mention the bugs they look at with their magnifing glasses!
two down in the water

I am almost out of bird seed and have to get more, but that does not stop the birds from trying to eat what is left in the tube feeder. I do change the bird bath water daily or every other day and the birds have been digging it now that it is warming up. They are so cute when they go in there and splash around. Some drink from there, but mostly they just splash around. Kids LOVE it! I have not tried to take pictures from outside yet because I do not want to scare them these pictures are from the kitchen.

One of these days I need to go take their pictures out by the horse farms now that all the trees are in bloom. This weekend is looking to be perfect weather wise-so maybe it's time I take Riley's 3 yr shots! I am just a month behind-not too bad.

Devin has scheduled to have his first tball game tomorrow. It is now going to be "skills stations" not sure why or what that really means, but he does not care since he got his first official uniform and it's the Phillies. Frank of course does not like that :) but Devin is digging having a jersey, hat and socks to go with his pants that he got two weeks ago. It is so cute to see him all in uniform and the look on his face is priceless. He is so amped up to play this season. Tball is super boring and frustrating to watch, but since he loves it nothing else matters.

I am not a dog person, never have been and probably never will be. Yes, I have two of them and yes I love them. They are part of our family. That said, once they pass in years to come-I do not want to have anymore. I want to be able to sleep without a little furry creature curled up next to me. Maybe if they were bigger they would sleep on the floor? but these little 8-9lb things sleep on the bed on top of the covers, under the covers, at my pillow, against my back etc. I just want to have Frank and I in bed-ALONE. Anyone know how to get dogs out of the bed? I am glad the kids are growing up with dogs. It teaches them compassion for animals, respondsibility for taking care of something other than themselves and of course the fact they are not scaredy cats when it comes to meeting stranger dogs. They know to always ask the owner if they can pet their dog....but they do not freak out and scream/cry when another dog comes close to them which I like. As I type this I have Cera against my leg with my left arm resting on her belly-the closer she is the better for her liking. I have Riley on the other side of me snuggling and watching cartoons. I am locked in by little bodies and it is nice.
Time to jump in the shower and head off to lax practice with the kids. This should be interesting bringing the kids iwth me but they are both so excited to meet the team. :)

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