I got a letter on Friday saying that Devin's kindergarten will now be full day no option of half day. I kind of have a problem with this. In my opinion there should be a half day option. I get it, half dayers have to cram in a full days load in 2.5 hours when full dayers have a longer day but can relax more and take their time with getting the learning in... I just think 6 hours of school is a little much for a 5 year old. Granted I could have kept him home one more year until he turned 6 (since he will be one of the youngest in the class) but he would be bored out of his mind if he went to preschool for another year. He is a type A learner and VERY into learning about anything and everything. That said-full day? Pick up at 8:45 and bells run at 3? for a just turned 5 year old? Eek! I know it is a dream for working parents because that means they do not have to pay as much to have the school watch their kids in safe key before they can get there...but I stay home...why can't they just do 4 hours? A half day is 2.5 and full is 6 so why can't they meet in the middle and do 4? UGH.
Devin goes to his screening today. This is to see where he stands academically and socially so they can shuffle the incoming kindergartners into appropriate classes so the more academically advanced kids can all be together and so on. I think this is a great idea so the kids that are ahead do not have to wait and the kids that need time can be with other kids that are on their same page. There are four kindergarten classes and (from what I was told) there will be an average of 15-18 kids in each class. I have no idea if that is the right number but it sounds WAY better than Las Vegas' 25-30 kids in each class.
I still have to figure out what to do with Riley this fall....run a lil preschool here at the house part time? or put her in a tues/thurs 3 year old program? I have two more months until I need to get her signed up so I guess I will do a lil more research about schools around here. She is not the same type of student Dev was so I do not need the fast paced, rigorous learning that I had him in. She is a lil more free spirited and definitely not into perfection like Devin is. She has to have things 'just so' but Devin is anal when it comes to organization, math and writing. Riley is my free form learner when Devin is the cookie cutter type.
I definitely want to get her into dance or tumbling this fall since she loved it so much in Las Vegas. Any recs?
I was a bit hesitant about the full day kindergarten for Josh too. He is older, so I wasn't worried about him academically or anything, but it is such a long day. The first few weeks were kind of rough - he was a bit moody etc as he learned his new routine but now he's doing well. No issues at all. That class size sounds awesome! Josh still has more than 20 this year.
ReplyDeleteOh Dale that is good to know. I was talking with the school nurse yesterday and she said that she is hesitant as well because the first graders have a tough time adjusting to full day-let alone a year younger. I figure Devin is into routine so like you said it may take getting used to, but he should be ok after a few weeks. :) Does Josh have an aid?