Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Peds appointments double time

Today  we went to Riley's 15 month well baby check up and Devin's 3 year old well child check up. Mr Devin was measured at 29.8 lbs (25th percentile) and 36.5 inches tall(25th percentile). This is the first time in his life he is above the 3-5% for either height or weight. Since he is in the 25th for both, the doctor could not have been happier. Since he was a preemie born 6 weeks early the doctor said he would catch up sometime between 2 and 3. Now that he is 3 he is finally catching up to kids his own age. This time last year he was 32.5 inches and 23.5 lbs. That is a nice jump in height and weight. Devin had to get a shot today since they came out with an advanced form of an older shot he had a year and a half ago. He did not wince or shed one tear. We told him that he needed to have this "ou-ie" if he wants to go to school soon. Good kid.
Riley enjoying her first lolly pop as she is about to get some shots

Grammy put gel in Devin's hair for him today
Now Riley on the other hand is still a peanut. She is now 19 lbs 6 oz (5th percentile) and 29.5 inches tall (25th percentile). She legally should not be turned around yet since she is under 20 lbs. She would be bored to tears if she was still rear facing. Shh do not tell the doctor. ;) She had to get two shots today and was a champ. She only cried as the gave her the injections. Maybe it was the dumb dumb lolly pop I let her have, who knows. They wanted to give her 4 shots but I told them that we will catch her up eventually. Delaying shots is something I am an advocate of. There is no need to stick a baby's leg with 4 mixes of vaccines at once. Poor baby. She is fine and taking a nap.

Having these two at the at the doctor at the same time is not fun. It really is exhausting . I wish Devin took naps so I could rest a bit but guess that is not in the cards for today. Maybe one day next week I will be graced with a nap. Until then Clifford it is :)

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