Thursday, June 10, 2010

Riley is a piece of work!

Riley started walking last week. She was a bit later than Devin was at beginning this stage in her toddler life. She was 14.5 months when she was comfortable enough to let go of something and walk across the room. She has been able to take steps here and there for some time now....but actually walking from here to there was something she was not confident in.

She loves her little Maryjane keds. She will go over to the door, get them, bring them back to me, hand me a shoe and then proceed to lift her foot in the air. They give her more stability as she walks around the downstairs of our house. New toddlers walking are so funny. They walk like they just stepped down from riding a horse across the Mohave for days. Does the wider stance really help? who knows, but I do think it is super cute.

walking to her Pop Pop
all flushed from sitting outside of The Yardhouse in 109* (waiting to get our table set)  for Devin's birthday dinner
She is 100% girlie girl. She now asks to be picked up when you are sitting on the couch. She then proceeds to lay down on her back and then "annhhh annhhs" until you rub her tummy and face. She lays there in silence and sometimes murmurs. She will be 15 months next week and is already a diva in training-but I love her and will rub her belly anytime she asks for it.

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