Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The flight out from LAS to PHL-Devin is so generous

Wed Feb 2nd Frank and I flew to NJ. We flew Southwest and Riley rode free for the last time. The flight was sadly over booked so she was stuck sitting on our (my) laps the whole flight. Our flight took off at 3pm PST and we were ready to leave the house by 1pm but little Miss Riley had fallen asleep on the couch. She typically takes a nap somewhere between 1 and 1:30 for a few hours every afternoon. She passed out cold at 12:15 by herself on the couch. I let her sleep because she had been under the weather all week and maybe she just needed the sleep. I knew that was jeopardizing her chances in taking a nap on the plane, but it actually helped me get last minute things together.

Frank, Devin and I took up three seats and I showed Frank how I make a bed on the floor with a super soft big blankie and pillow. This has saved me every flight I have gone alone with the kids. Riley was a bit warm and wanted nothing but to be held by me. I tried to lay her on the floor and she hung out down there for a lil bit but never fell asleep. She and Devin ate snacks and Devin asked to lay on the floor to watch a movie. He had taken off his head phones and fallen asleep! Bonus. He slept like that for about about an hour and a half. Riley on the other hand had fallen asleep in my arms with my legs cradling her. She is definitely not an infant anymore so I was struggling to keep her comfy and hold her securely since my arms, legs and butt kept falling asleep at different times. I had figured out how I could hold her and hold my book with one hand without needing my second hand to turn the pages. My (broken) ereader would have been super handy in this situation. Where was Frank you ask? Oh, he was sitting in his seat drinking a vodka and cranberry while playing on his Nook Color.....In his defense, he did offer to hold Riley but she only wanted me. He would hold my Heineken to my lips every now and then so I could take a sip. The flight attendant must have felt bad for me since I had to hold her since she gave me a free beer. Riley tossed and turned and slept for about 2 hours. Total in air flight time was just under 5 hours. While decending into Philly Riley decided to vomit all over me and her. It was awesome. I could only think of Greg Focker in Meet the Parents since I smelled like vomit until we got home and I could change.

We landed at 10:45 PM in PHL, Frank went and got the rental while I got the bags at baggage claim. Frank waited out front in passager pick up and I had one of the men with the silver flat cart things to help me out. Devin was so sweet. He said, "Wait mom." I asked him if we forgot something (looking back at the carousel). He said, "I have to pay the man for helping us." He then reached in his pocket and grabbed out a penny and a dime and handed it to the man and said "thanks for helping my mom." The man said, "No problem buddy, thanks." Devin said, "Sure." and smiled. I asked him where he got money from and he said he took it from Daddy's car. Once we got out to the car I gave the man a real tip and he gave Dev a high five. Glad to know I have a courteous boy!

.....more about the trip to come.

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