Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Did Riley really potty train that fast? Who doesn't love a night out from the kids? This girl does!

Riley has done VERY well with potty training. I really was not anticipating in potty training her until next week since Devin will be off from school, but she took to her trial run. Last Thursday I took her diaper off at home and she just wore panties. She did the same since then here at the house. She did have her first accident on Friday when she forgot to pull them down before she peed on the potty and then she peed at Frank's feet Sunday when they were standing at the kitchen sink. Whoops! Besides that, she has gone only on the potty.

Monday when we left the house I put her in a diaper because she had not pooed yet and that was not an accident I was willing to clean up when we were out and about. When we got to swimming lessons she had a dry diaper and she peed on the potty before then after lessons. She kept a dry diaper even after an errand and I took off the diaper when we got home. She pooed in her nap time diaper after she woke up. Tuesday was the same thing, I put her in a diaper b.c she had not gone yet before we left and I am SO glad I did. By the time I drove Devin to preschool, dropped him off then parked at the gym she had gone. Whew. She did wake up with a dry diaper during her nap Tuesday and went right away when I got her out of her crib.  Today, she went number 2 at home on the potty! YAY! We were finally able to venture out of the house in just panties. She peed before swim, after swim and then I put her on the potty right when we got home. Yay success. Then tonight we went to a quick bite out and she went before we left, when we got there, midway through dinner and then when we were leaving and again at home. Mind you that is 5 pees within 2 hours, but apparently she is WAY hydrated since she went every time.

She is so easy and I do not even have to bribe her like I did Devin. Devin would get 1 M & M with a pee and either 2 M & Ms or 1 gummy bear with number 2. Riley is so happy go lucky that she is just happy to go, but she definitely is not one to turn down candy if I do tempt her with it.

Devin's first round of swimming lessons ended today and I did sign him up for one more 4 week (twice weekly) session. He can now doggie paddle and float alone, but I would like a little more confidence in him. He 'passed' all the other requirements for level 1 swim at the community center and now they will focus on long, straight arms during strokes instead of a quick paddle. He loves it though so I am glad that he will be doing one more session. Riley will be trying out the preschool swim class next session. It is for ages 3-4 but since she is comfortable in the water and loves to kick, splash and jump in I think she may be ready for formal learning. I am not going to pay for it until after the first session just in case she freaks out once she realizes that I will not be getting in the pool with her. I really wish our community pools would be heated this summer so we could swim more often, but we had morons on the board last year who lowered assessments which in turn cut the budget and they now cannot afford the heating bill. The pool will only be around 74ish degrees and that is F-ing COLD when its 95,100,110,115 degrees out. Sigh.
We went out Sunday night for Frank's birthday dinner. He wanted lobster and we both wanted to stay out of the casino restaurant shuffle so McCormick and Schmick's came to my mind. Dinner was great and we got a little private booth which is always nice. I had some awesome Chilean sea bass in an Asian style sauce with udon noodles....SO GOOD. We ended up meeting friends of ours out who happened to be celebrating their anniversary the same night. Their dinner reservations were around the same time so we met for a drink after dinner at the new Cosmopolitan casino. I must say, they did a very good job on the small portion that I did see of it.

Other than that, not much else to report. We do have friends coming into town this weekend and we are very much looking forward to getting to go out for a few hours to hang out with them without the kids. Frank is going to golf Sunday with his buddy coming in and the weather should be absolutely perfect for them. I think the high is 89, but since their tee time is 7 am it should be between 55 and 80 when they wrap up which to me is just p.e.f.e.c.t for golf (or anything outside really.) We may just have to have some drinks at Diablo's to start the evening off when we go to the strip to meet up with them since SPRING HAS SPRUNG and Diablo's is open air upstairs and down. Have I ever told you I love the spring? There are a handful of things I do like about Las is a warm spring and the other is a warm fall. Time to get out the sundresses and get ready for drinks on the patio!

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