Sundays typically are my days to clean the house. i do laundry all week since it is never ending and i can do a load or two a few days a week instead of 7 or 8 at once on a Sunday.This past Sunday I did nothing but a stack of dishes in the sink and wipe down the counters after I made our babysitters dinner since I was SO hungover. Apparently I thought I was 20 again on Sat night and that did not fare too well with my 29 year old body. That said yesterday was my day to clean. I spent 5ish hours doing the playroom, both kids rooms, their bathroom, the living room kitchen and even windexed the windows in back of the house. Frank had a crappy day at work too, but did he even mention anything about the house? Nope....I don't need a pat on the back everyday or a 'way to go honey' but it would be nice to be acknowledged.
Today I have done 4 loads of laundry and I still have one more to go. Where does it all come from. Riley is a pro at peeing on the potty and will go on her own, but poo-ing is a whole other story. She tells me after she goes in her pants, on the floor, out back...I have told her over and over to go on the potty, even had her watch Devin (gross I know but I was desperate yesterday) and she still wont do it. When she wore diapers, she pooped once a day and always in the am after breakfast. Now that she is in panties, she is pooping 2 to 3 times a day and never at the same time. I am beyond frustrated with her. I know she is just a month over 2, but come on....I don't want to clean up anymore mushy poop.
The dogs are the other thing that drive me nuts. They are not doing anything wrong besides being dogs....but the combination of not being a 'dog person' and being a stay at home mom is too much. They steal the kids food, always have to sit on/next to me when i sit down and forget it when we have friends over. The first 15 minutes the dogs jump, lick, bark and roo roo at the guests. Again, it's all normal dog stuff....but I am over having it around 24/7. I want to sleep and not get woken up by a dog stealing my pillow space.
On top of being home for Easter break, both kids have allergies and the winds have been so bad that we have been stuck inside. Devin is worse than Riley, but both had to go on the nebulizer this morning because their breathing is labored. They thankfully are not snotty, but since Devin still has labored breathing, we cannot go to the park today as planned.
I am slowly getting Meghan's room ready for her arrival in 3 weeks. It is going to be so surreal to have live in help. I know it's temporary, but it will be amazing. All that cleaning I did yesterday is barely visible today...vacuum marks are gone, sliders are all smudged up, crumbs are all over the tile along with something sticky and there are toys everywhere in the playroom again...Having a non paying, thankless job really does suck sometimes especially when all your hard work is no longer visible 24 hours after you finished. It is a fact that it took me 5ish hours of solid cleaning yesterday to make the house look nice, but for them only an hour or so to destroy it again.
Tomorrow is a new day and I am thankful I have two happy/usually healthy kids...but today sucks. Come on Wednesday, bring me sunshine and warm weather....oh wait-we are forcasted to get high winds again all day. Super...
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