Tuesday, July 13, 2010

some days are better than others

Yesterday was such a great day with the kids. They were both in great moods. We played outback, upstairs and neither one gave me an issue in the daycare at the gym. Too bad that did not carry over to today.

These are from the kids playing yesterday out back in the sand box
Today is one of those days you would like to put in fast forward and get to the end so you can start fresh again tomorrow. Riley no longer wants to sit in her high chair for meals. She insists on sitting in the booster seat of Devin's. She actually will throw all of her food off the tray of the high chair, side swipe her cup off and then yells. I take her out and put her down. She walks over to his seat and "ehh ehhs" until I put her in the seat and she smacks her lips (her way of telling me she is hungry). She ate all three meals  yesterday in his seat and breakfast today. This weekend it looks like I will be purchasing another booster seat.. She is such a pain in the ass but oh do I love her.

Sitting in Devin's seat this am-happy as a pig in poo

We went to a friends house to play with their 3 year old and play in the pool. Devin decided to be a bad boy so we left. I do not tolerate misbehaved children and he knows this. He is so sensitive and gets embarrassed when he is reprimanded. I tried being nice about it but ended up having to be mean. (leaving) I hope he grows out of this stage quickly. It is not often I have to deal with it...but man alive it sucks. I am lucky that he is such a good kid otherwise. He must have been over tired because he decided to grace me with a nap. This is his first in about two weeks. He sadly gave up naps around 2.5. I long for him to take one at least once a week. I am not that lucky...but he does about once a month.

So, since both kids are napping....I (should) be cleaning up their mess from earlier and doing the dishes...but I sit and type this blog post. I am just exhausted. Boot camp class yesterday kicked my butt and I am sore from neck to ankle. I will have the house neatened up before Frank gets home...but for the next 20 min I will relax.

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