Devin sleeps with a blankie every night. He would carry that blankie around everywhere if I let him, but I don't. Hard Core? Maybe.....but I am not going to deal with a lost blankie because he took it somewhere and left it. So, that said-it stays in his room on his bed. Yesterday since the kids were not feeling well, I allowed for them to have their blankies downstairs with them. Riley does not have a special one, just one of the 85 she rotates in. Devin has a specific pooh blankie that Auntie Kelly gave me when I found out I was pregnant the first time. I guess it had special meaning for Devin since he was my second pregnancy and the blankie became his. He had many baby blankies, but this one was the chosen one for him as a woobie. He chews it when going to sleep. It is so gross now since it has no fuzzy blankie left. Just matted down fuzzy fabric usually with chew marks and a hardened area. I wash it at least twice a week which also helps to take away any softness that may be left.
He kept whipping it around to purposely hit Riley in the face. MEAN! I gave him a warning, he did it again. I took it away and put it on the counter. He then apologized to Riley without me asking him too. I told him I would throw it out if he did it again. I gave it back and not even 5 minutes later he was at it again and was making her cry now since he was whipping her in the face. I took the blankie and threw it into the garage. The look on his face was so sad, but he needs to know there is consequences for his actions.
He forgot about it until bedtime. Frank asked where his blankie was and I told Devin to tell him what happened to it. Devin cried and asked for his blankie. I told him no, he was bad and mean to Riley. If he is a good boy ALL day tomorrow he can have it back. If he is mean to Riley, the trash men will take it Friday. He apologized over and over and told me his is sorry for hurting Riley. He told me he loved me and that he was my Doodies (his nickname) and that he is Mommy's best boy. I reminded him to be nice and he could have it back. I have a back up blankie that is not so worn and has never been chewed but it is the same blankie. He told me it was too soft and did not want it. I told him it was that or nothing. He cried for 5 seconds and laid his head down and passed out.
This morning he came up to me and asked "may I please put my cup on the table" (handing me the cup) I said sure. He said, "mom I used good manners, can I have my blankie?" Haha. I told him no. He needs to be good all the way up to bedtime and if he is he can have it when he goes to sleep. I told him that the trash men will take it tomorrow morning if he is mean. Let's see what happens.
-On another note-Riley does not have an ear infection. Just a cold and is cutting her 2 yr molars causing discomfort by her ears. :)
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