Mondays are the worst day of the week. Not that I work anymore, so it no longer means the start of a 5 day week..... To me Mondays stink to me because besides going to the gym, I have to catch up on housework I was not able to accomplish over the weekend. Laundry, cleaning up the kitchen AGAIN, pick up toys and try and manage the paper clutter. Who knew that there would be such an abundance of paperwork when you become a grown up. There is no where to put it. I really need to take a shredder to the filing cabinet now that a new year has started. Companies would save so much money if they stopped sending a pay check stub in the mail when you get direct deposit. I have no idea how we create so much laundry. Riley and Devin wear one outfit a day and wear their jammies two nights in a row. Frank and I do the same yet I do 5-6 loads a week in my super sized front loader.
I have been going to Boot Camp Mondays and Wednesdays for a few months now and I love the instructor and the class. I leave exhausted and am always sore the next day which means I did a good job working muscles. Sad thing is the class is at 4:30 and I need to leave our house at 4 in order to get to the gym, get the kids in day care then check myself in and get upstairs. Riley naps in the afternoon and is sometimes asleep at 4. I do not mind waking her up if she went down by 1:30, but I hate waking her if she went down after that. Now comes the dilemma of (new years resolution) people. The gym parking lot is full to the max and the class is SO full. It is hard to work it to exhaustion when you have less space and people not doing exercises correctly and slowing the class down. I know you need to start somewhere....but a high intensity class is not for people who have just started out at the gym. Go to step or zumba. Not to mention I have to leave my house at 3:45 to get there, park, wait in line at the day care and get in. So, no more boot camp until Feb when the New years resolution people start to drop off.
Devin has been night potty trained since the summer. He has not used pull ups and rarely has an accident while sleeping. (maybe 1-2 since August). Frank and I do take him to potty when we go to bed somewhere around 9:30/10 pm and he sleeps through until 7:30/8 and is always dry. Recently he has been waking up, walking into our room, going to pee, walking out closing the door and going back to bed. Now he has a bathroom on this side of hte house next to Riley's room so I am not sure why he would walk all the way down the hall to our room to use the bathroom. I never remember to ask him about it but today I did. I said Dev, do you remember coming into Mommy's room last night?" Devin, "yes, I had to go potty. I was quiet, but I stepped on a toy by your closet." Me, "Good job, but you can use your bathroom ya know." Devin, "I like yours better." Haha. I like that he wakes up out of a dead sleep and goes potty and back to bed, but I would like it better if we were not woken up because of it. I am wondering if I still need to take him to potty before bed, or if he will wake up himself every time to go himself? I really do not want to test it out because stripping a bed is the worst.
--- her hair before it was cut---
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